Friday, December 27, 2019
Blanche Devereaux Character Analysis - 2911 Words
Running head: BLANCHE DEVEREAUX: ACCORDING TO FREUD This paper will be an analysis of the personality of Blanche Elizabeth Devereaux from the show titled â€Å"The Golden Girls.†In this paper Blanche will be analyzed from two points of view. The first analysis will be from the view of psychodynamics using Freud’s ideas on personality. For this analysis I will begin with the structure of Blanche’s personality in regards to the Id, which is the aspect of personality that deals with the instincts, the Ego, which is the rational aspect of the personality, and the Superego, which is the moral aspect of personality. The second analysis will be from the perspective of Abraham Maslow; I will use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and his†¦show more content†¦Blanche seems to be flooding her Ego with too much anxiety. The anxiety she has is caused by her insecurities. She’s insecure about herself because often she feels that even if she were to stick with one of the men they wouldn’t want her after awhile. Blanche has both neurotic and moral anxieties. On the neurotic side, she feels as if her instincts (for sex) will get out of control and make her crazy. She often feels like sex has taken over her life and that’s she’s become dependent on it. She knows that it isn’t good for her but feels like she has no other options. On the moral side, she fears that she’s going against her husbands wishes when she sleeps with all the men. Blanche’s ego is overwhelmed and she often uses the defense mechanism of rationalization to help that. She often tries to turn situations into to ones that are more acceptable. For example, on one show after she slept with a man who hadn’t had sex in awhile she made herself feel better by claiming that â€Å"he needed it†and that she did him a favor. On another show she says that she collects lingerie because one day she can pass it all down to other women who may need it. Blanche also seems to use the id entification technique in order to reduce anxieties. She attaches herself to the idea of men and sex in order to increase her self-esteem and her self-worth. Blanche also uses the technique of regression. She lies about her age to everyone she meets. She even lies about her age to the
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Persuasive Speech Essay - 1515 Words
As the man open the door, the princess yelled, â€Å"Stop!†. This made the audience turn away from her lover and to the princess, who stood up from her throne. Her father, the semi-barbaric king was stunted. His daughter had never interrupted the trials that he has held before. Nor had she disobey him since she was a child. He couldn’t understand why she would yell stop in the middle of the trial. Although, the man that was held for trial is her lover and they were in love for many months now. The king could not comprehend the situation at hand. But at the same time, the king was furious. There is an audience that needs to be entertained and she yelled stop. Who was she to yell stop and disrupt the king’s orders? While the king was mad, the†¦show more content†¦He was bewildered by her sudden change in attitude. Nevertheless, he looked at the audience and knew that they were getting irritated by the way the trial was occurring.The king realizes he needed to stop stalling time and continue the trial even though the princess might be plotting against him. â€Å"Continue the trial now, peasant.†the king ordered the princess’s lover. However, the young man was too frightened to move. He looked at his lover for help. His lover was now secretly pointing to the left gate. Behind the left gate was the women. But he was complexed by the sudden change in the gate. He couldn’t understand why she was now pointing to the gate on the left. He wanted to trust her and open left gate. Yet, he was scared to. What if she trying to let him get killed the tiger instead of marrying another woman whom he doesn’t know? The commoner knew he had to choose fast or the king will kill him right now. He tried to think faster until he came to a conclusion. The conclusion was to go to the left gate. Although, he doesn’t know what will happen to his life. He decided that if his lover decided to have him killed by a tiger, he wil l accept her choice. Why might people ask? It is because he loves her enough to know that she is semi-barbaric like her father but he also knows that she loves him too. So even if he were to be killed by a tiger, she would still love him after he is killed. With that in mind, he walked confidently to the left gateShow MoreRelatedEssay on Persuasive Speech822 Words  | 4 PagesAshley Buckner Persuasive Speech COMM210D 4/20/12 Why should you smile? I. Imagine: you wake up in the morning. You get ready and grab a cup of coffee. Then, you walk out the door, seeing many faces as you make your way to work, and walk up to your building. When you walk inside expecting to be greeted by many more positive faces, you see none, and so you walk over and sit down at your desk. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Mrs. Akimoto
Questions: 1. Identify (8) eight important assessments and/or forms you should perform and/or fill out as part of the admission. (This is to exclude name, age, and address.) 2. Discuss the cultural and religious considerations that may be relevant when caring for Mrs Akimoto. 3. In your health assessment of Mrs Akimoto, name four (4) physiological things do you need to assess for each of the following areas: Respiration Pulse Neurological status 4. Identify four (4) hazards/risks in the operating theatre to the patient and/or staff. Answers: (1). Assessment of a patient while admission, means continuous and systematic way of documentation, validation, organization and collection of patients medical data. In assessment one particular form will be filled with main complaint, medical diagnosis, and date and time of the admission. Then the source of the information will be documented. The allotted staff will note down the past medical history with hospitalization and major illness of Mrs. Akimoto. Her vital signs, like, weight, height, respiration, pulse, temperature will be measured along with pressure injury assessment, current medication and BSL (Hockenberry Wilson, 2014). The severity and the location of her pain will be measured through the pain scale. The staff will note down about her allergic tendency and the reason behind that tendency. The valuable things with Mrs. Akimoto will be also listed while admitting. (2). To treat Mrs. Akimoto, the nurse has to remember about her cultural consideration. Mrs. Akimoto can show better response when the caregiver will approach in her cultural way. The main considerable cultural issues are communication and way of expression. Mrs. Akimoto is Japanese and she cannot talk much English. So, the nurse has to keep that in mind. To make her treatment more fluent it is necessary to involve Japanese nurse or Japanese translator (Huber, 2013). She will feel comfortable with her medication in this process. Mrs. Akimoto is also a follower of Buddhism. She believes to live the life right and in reincarnation. There are also religious considerations while caring Mrs. Akimoto. The nurse has to focus on her religious perceptions about her hospitalization and illness. The nurse has to make her comfortable so that she can share her religious view (Lehne Rosenthal, 2014). As it is mentioned that she is Buddhist, so, it can be predicted that she will be peaceful. Her care plan will emphasize on her daily living habits, modesty, dress, dietary rules. (3). Respiration: The four physiological things which will be observed in respiration are, blood pressure, haemoglobin-oxygen saturation including pulse oximetry and SpO2, heart rate and respiratory rate. Pulse: The pulse test is associated with the cardiovascular issues. Here, Mrs. Akimoto is already a patient of Type 1 diabetes. So, first of all the cardio vascular complexities associated with Type 1 diabetes will be checked. Venous and arterial pulsations in jugular venous pulse in the neck will be assessed (Perry et al., 2014). Then systematic examination will be performed through the palpatingin femoral, carotid, brachial, and other distal and turn radial pulses. Neurological status: The four physiological things which will be observed in this case are, testing of mental status, reflexes, muscle bulk, tone, strength and Cranial Nerves testing, vision impairment and state of retinal blood vessels and pupil check. Later general assessments will be done like observing cyanosis, breathlessness, anxiety,. (4). In an operation theater certain factors are appeared which become hazardous for both of the patient and the staff. Certain four factors are described below (You et al., 2013): The patients can be at risk due to injury after improper operation, wrong patient with identical names, fall from OT table, faulty operative procedures. In the operation theatre, sometimes in the middle of the operation, patients can get back their senses. So, the patients can feel the pain o the operation. The patient enters into trauma due to this. The staff members also can be at risk inside the operation theatre. Those risk factors are fall and slip on wet floor, pain due to long hour of handling the patient or standing on the floor, needle prick, cuts from blades. Another accident, which put the staffs in risk, is the sudden electricity fault inside the theatre. References: Ball, J. E., Murrells, T., Rafferty, A. M., Morrow, E., Griffiths, P. (2013). Care left undoneduring nursing shifts: associations with workload and perceived quality of care. BMJ quality safety, bmjqs-2012. Davidson, M. C., London, M. L., Ladewig, P. W. (2015). Olds' maternal-newborn nursing women's health across the lifespan. Prentice Hall. Dubois, C. A., D'amour, D., Tchouaket, E., Clarke, S., Rivard, M., Blais, R. (2013). Associations of patient safety outcomes with models of nursing care organization at unit level in hospitals. International journal for quality in health care, 25(2), 110-117. Hockenberry, M. J., Wilson, D. (2014). Wong's nursing care of infants and children. Elsevier Health Sciences. Huber, D. (2013). Leadership and nursing care management. Elsevier Health Sciences. Ignatavicius, D. D., Workman, M. L. (2015). Medical-surgical nursing: Patient-centered collaborative care. Elsevier Health Sciences. Kitson, A., Marshall, A., Bassett, K., Zeitz, K. (2013). What are the core elements of patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ centred care? A narrative review and synthesis of the literature from health policy, medicine and nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(1), 4-15. Lehne, R. A., Rosenthal, L. (2014). Pharmacology for nursing care. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Zonation On A Rocky Shore Essays - Fucales, Fucus Serratus, Fucus
Zonation On A Rocky Shore Zonation Coursework Conclusion: The seashore is a habitat that contains a wide range of microhabitats and ecological niches for different creatures. This is mainly due to the effects of the tides, that rise and fall twice each day. Tides are the vertical movement of water in a periodical oscillation of the sea, due to the gravitational pull of the sun and moon. The tides are on a semi-diurnal cycle, so there are two high tides and two low tides each day. Due to the orbit of the moon, the tides also have a monthly cycle. This creates neap (very low) and spring (very high) tides. The seashore can be divided into several zones, which are illustrated on the diagram below: Key: EHWS = Extreme High Water Spring (MHWS = Mean High Water Spring) MHWN = Mean High Water Neap (MTL = Mid Tide Level) MLWN = Mean Low Water Neap ELWS = Extreme Low Water Spring (MLWS = Mean Low Water Spring) CD = Chart datum The Supralittoral Zone: This is the highest zone on the shore, and lies above the EHWS mark, and therefore is never covered by seawater. However, it may be occasionally be spray wetted. Because of this, it is mainly inhabited by terrestrial species, such as lichen, that can live in areas of very high salinity. The Littoral (Intertidal) Zone: This zone is the area that is covered and uncovered by the tides, and therefore organisms that live here must be able to tolerate a large range of conditions. It can be further divided into the Littoral Fringe and the Eulittoral zone. The Littoral Fringe (Splash Zone): This part of the Littoral zone lies above the area that is completely submerged by the sea in normal conditions. However, it is frequently covered by splash from waves, and so is far more marine in character that the Supralittoral Zone. Lichens still dominate this zone, but some species of periwinkles and topshells may graze them. The Eulittoral Zone: This zone is the area of the beach that is regularly submerged by the tides, and can be divided into three more zones, the upper, middle and lower shores. It shows the greatest species diversity of any of the zones. The Upper Shore: This region of the shore lies between the EHWS and MHWN marks, and so is only immersed during spring tides. Because of this, organisms that live here must be adapted to survive long periods of desiccation. The two seaweeds that are the most common here, Fucus spiralis and Pelvetia canaliculata have adaptations to survive in this area. The Middle Shore: This region of the shore lies between the MHWN and MLWN marks, and will be submerged for half of every day, even during neap tides. The most common seaweed in this zone Fucus vesiculosus. Mussel beds will form and both limpets and periwinkles will graze the rocks. Sea anemones and crabs are residents of this zone. The Lower Shore: This region of the shore lies between the MLWN and ELWS marks, and will be submerged for most of each day, even during neap tides. The most important seaweed in this area is Fucus serratus, which will form large zones wherever suitable. It shows the greatest species diversity of any zone on the seashore. The Sublittoral Zone: This part of the shore lies below the ELWS mark, and is therefore never uncovered by the sea. There are many types of organism found on the rocky shore. The two main photosynthetic organisms are the lichens and the macroalgae or seaweeds. Lichen are the main organisms found in the splash zone and come in three distinct types; crustose, foliose and fruiticose. Crustose lichens form a thin crust on the rock surface, and are impossible to remove without damage. Foliose lichens are leafy lichens that are not as firmly attached to the rocks. Fruiticose lichens extent vertically from the rock surface, and can sometimes be confused with mosses and small grasses. The leafy part of a lichen is known as the thallus. Seaweeds are primarily divided by colour, into brown, red and green groups. Most marine seaweeds are brown seaweeds, with fewer red species, and even fewer green species. The three main parts of a seaweed are: 1. Frond (lamina, thallus, blade) (often broad and flat) 2. Stipe region (often long and cylindrical) 3. Basal attachment (holdfast) The frond or thallus is
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